Hello and welcome to Class 3/4HG's page!
I am Miss Gaskell and I am the class teacher.
With hard work and lots of fun, we are going to have a fantastic year together! Want to see what you will be learning in Year 4?
Have a look at the curriculum maps on the website, which show the curriculum content and topics for each half term. They include the key topics, vocabulary and knowledge for each subject.
We are very proud of our work and love to show it off on our class twitter page! Please follow our class.
We promote a love for reading, where our children thoroughly enjoy reading for pleasure and/or listening to a range of books being read by adults or our reading ambassadors. We also read independently on a daily basis and answer questions on what we have read, using Accelerated Reader. The expectation is that reading books are returned to school every day. This way we can monitor your reading and read with you in school too. Grown-ups, please ensure you read with your child and ask them questions about the text.
Here are some example questions:
- Where is the story set?
- When is the story set?
- How does the main character look/behave/feel?
- Find a word or phrase which tells us how the character is feeling.
- Who is/are the key character(s) in the book?
- Where did _____go?
- What does the word ______ mean?
- Can _______ have more than one meaning?
Please sign your child's planner each day and include any comments about how your child has read.
One of our key targets in Year 4 is to learn our multiplication facts up to 12 X 12. Towards the end of Year 4, children across the country will be tested on their times tables knowledge so it is vitally important we get lots of practice in. We do this through singing songs, playing games on Purple Mash and having fun. We know that a sound knowledge in multiplication facts helps us in all aspects of our Maths curriculum.
Another way to keep up to date with what is going on in our class is via Class Dojo. On here you will find key messages, photos and examples of work that the children have done in school. It is also a great way to communicate with me, through the messages option. Please ensure you are connected to our class to find out more.
Here is the Curriculum Overview for LKS2. For more detail, please see our Curriculum page